The MAIN tab displays Flight Simulator (FS) version, FS frame rates, FS and system UTC, etc.
The type of aircraft being used is selected from the MAIN tab.
The following Network features are available:
START SIMULATOR - including auto-start of remote PCs
STOP SIMULATOR - including shutdown (or re-start) of remote PCs
Re-Start Remote PCs (via WideFS)
Display running Status of remote PCs
Interface features:
Export to ForeFlight Mobile (see ACFT position, ALT, SPD, etc. on ForeFlight)
Bluetooth GPS Export
iStation Remote (control iStation from dedicated iOS app - under development)
Interface with Phillips HUE Lighting System
Program settings can be modified here.
Set aircraft (ACFT) at any desired position: on an approach to a selected runway, ready to intercept the ILS, holding position on ground for entering a runway, at an airport gate, at a navigation aid, on an airway, etc.
Relative to Runways (Final Course Intercept, Cruise, Downwind, 10/7/4 nm Straight Approach, RWY Threshold and Hold Short Positions)
At Parking Gate
From/To Navigation Aids (VOR, NDB, LOC, etc.)
Drag ACFT on Map
Auto-tune ILS frequency
SkyVector and AirNav links to selected airport -- quickly get APP/SID/STAR charts, airport diagrams, etc.
Pre-Set scenarios (i.e. frequently used) -- for ultra-quick ACFT placement (including WXR settings and failure scenarios, if desired)
Ground Services:
Open/Close Doors
Jetway request
Fuel Truck request
Options specific for A320 FMGS Jeehell
Pushback controls
Scenario Builder (ACFT position, WXR and programmed failures, as desired)
Slew controls
Set weather environment to virtually any possible scenario, including VFR, MVFR, CAT I through CAT IIIc conditions, night, day, dawn & dusk, cross-wind, etc.
Time & Season:
Pre-Set Dawn, Day, Dusk & Night
Synchronize FS time with internet UTC time
Pre-Set Seasons (Winter, Spring, Summar, Fall)
Set specific Date and Time
Pre-Set WXR scenarios:
Marginal VFR
ILS Cat I, ILS Cat II, ILS Cat III a/b/c
Pre-Set WXR conditions:
Visualize ACFT HDG and Wind direction/speed
Real-Time WXR can be downloaded from NOAA, IVAO and VATSIM servers
Advanced WXR interface - control up to 3 Cloud Layers, Visibility, Precipitation, Winds, Temperature and Pressure
Complete aircraft control.
ACFT quick-start ** take ACFT from Cold & Dark to Engines Started and Ready
Specific features for A320 FMGS Jeehell, Airbus AST, Boeing & Airbus Project Magenta (i.e. quick set up of CDU/MCDU, etc.)
Display ACFT data (POS, Attitude, Engines)
ACFT controls:
Throttle, Propeller Pitch, Mixture & Flaps
Electric controls:
Master switch, Avionics switch
Lights: Beacon, Land, Taxi, Nav, Strobe
Autopilot controls:
HDG, Course, ALT, Vertical Speed
Master on/off
Control radios
COM 1/2
NAV 1/2
Audio Panel
Custom KEY press controls (user-definable)
Overhead sketches for A320 and Boeing 737 (for reference)
Set overall fuel quantity or by individual tanks. Calculate fuel required for trip. Change the payload of the aircraft.
Visualize and change fuel tanks in 0-25-50-75-100 % increments, or to any desired value
Fuel Planner:
Auto-Load calculated fuel to ACFT
For Piston-type ACFT
Airbus A319/320/321
Boeing 737-600/700/800/900
Weight & Balance:
Display all weight stations
Perform CG calculations
Display ZFW, Fuel Weight, Total Weight, Planned Taxi / Take-off / Landing Weights
Digital Flight Data Recorder stores and displays flight parameters in a wide array of ways: graphic charts, PDF reports, Google Earth KMLs, vertical & horizontal approach plots, etc.
Record all Flight / ACFT parameters
Logs Flight Events (i.e. gear down, flaps up, etc.)
Data can be saved for later analysis
Plot selected variables
Create PDF reports
Export KML file to Google-Earth
Real-Time chart plots and Google-Earth™ visualization
Ability to import FDR Mobile data and audio files for visualization
Tracker Window - for instructor awareness
Data can be analyzed and split into defined flight phases
Approach Plots
Vertical ACFT path relative to RWY
Horizontal ACFT path relative to RWY
All data can be printed and saved for future use
Fail any ACFT system/component at any time, including custom definable failures.
Trigger failures by any of the following, or a combination thereof:
Altitude (MSL or AGL)
Speed (above or below)
Time (after elapsed)
Failures can also be triggered instantaneously at instructor's will
Failures can be defined as recoverable or non-recoverable
Engine failures:
Power Loss
Reverse Fail
General failure
General failures:
Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder blocked
Gear blocked up or down
Fuel Tank Leaks
Spoilers blocked
Flaps blocked
Panel / Instrument failures:
Air Speed, Turn coordinator, Attitude indicator, HDG indicator, Altimeter, VSI, Compass, Fuel indicator, Pitot Heat
Radio failures: COM 1/2, NAV 1/2, ADF, XNDR
Project Magenta display failures (PFD, ND, upper/lower ECAM/EICAS, CDU/MCDU)
Project Magenta system failures for Airbus A320 and Boeing 737
Airbus A320 FMGS Jeehell system failures
Custom Failures (definable via offsets)
Access navigation database, send ATC messages (voice and/or text), produce custom definable sounds, broadcast ATIS (text and/or sound), control aircraft radios and transponder, calculate and display holding patterns.
Updatable Navigation Database (Navigraph)
Show information for selected navigation aid (VOR, NDB, LOC, Fix):
Full name
Distance from ACFT
Bearing from ACFT
Position (LAT LON)
Send navaid position to RE-POS tab for ACFT positioning
Auto-Send frequency to NAV radios
Cabin announcements (custom-defined by user)
ATC capability:
Generate Text and/or Voice messages
Quick-Build clearance, ground, tower and en-route ATC instructions
Generate in Text format on FSX window
Listen to ATIS/AWOS when tuning to specified COM broadcast frequency
Create based on selected Navaid
Define: ALT, inbound course, L/R turn, expect further clearance time and SPD
Export HOLD to Google-Earth
The following is calculated:
ACFT distance to holding point
ACFT Bearing
Outbound Course
Recommended Entry Procedure
Display airborn and/or ground traffic, set traffic on collision course to generate TCAS scenarios.
Display Airborn Traffic
Display Ground Traffic
Radar Range: 1 nm - 50 nm
Generate Traffic on Collision Course (TCAS alerts):
ACFT approaches from clock-positions
Define Time to Collision
Define Distance from ACFT
Place Above, Below or at Same Altitude as own ACFT
Advanced tab allows further definition of generated traffic variables
Full display of aircraft position.
Shows ACFT track
Map can be overlaid on multiple types of maps: street, terrain, geographical, etc. (Bitmap source can be imported from multiple providers)
Full external control of the flight simulator: Pause, Freeze, View change, flight reset, Slew, ground services (doors, jetways), etc.
Pan View Up/Down
Cycle Views
Cycle sub-views
Quick select view angle
Control Simulation Rate
ACFT controls:
Throttle, Propeller Pitch, Mixture & Flaps
Electric controls:
Master switch, Avionics switch
Lights: Beacon, Land, Taxi, Nav, Strobe
Autopilot controls:
HDG, Course, ALT, Vertical Speed
Master on/off
Instant Replay (FSX, ESP and Prepar3D only)
The Instructor Station™ has many other features:
Use with Touch-Screen monitors
Can be run remotely on any tablet (either natively running Windows or using display extenders like SplashTop, AirDisplay, etc.)
Can run on flight simulator PC (no frame-rate loss) or remotely
Allows controlling multiple flight simulator sessions remotely (i.e. training classes)
Voice control enabled
Compatible with:
FS9 (2004)
MSFS 2020
X-Plane (via XPUIPC)
Compatible with
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 11
Meets FAA Certification Requirements for Advanced and Basic Aviation Training Devices (per AC 61-136, 7/17/08, AFS-800)
Meets FAA Certification Requirements for FLight Simulators and Flight Training Devices (per 14 CFR Part 60, 7/17/08, AFS-800)