December 19th 2024
Instructor Station™ version 3.56 has been released.
Bug fixes.
October 18th 2024
Instructor Station™ version 3.55 has been released.
Fixes on METAR WXR stations API download from NOAA-AWC.
Compatibility adjustments for MSFS 2020.
Bug fixes.
February 2023
Instructor Station™ used to record data on academia paper:
The Influence of Fatigue on an Instrument Approach
11th International Conference on Air Transport - INAIR 2022, Returning to the Skies
Proven by accident statistics, a tired pilot poses a threat to safe flight operations, especially in its critical phases, such as the approach to landing. In the context of the fatigue's impact on the accurate execution of the approach to landing, no research has yet been carried out to experimentally confirm/deny the impact of this factor on the pilot's performance. Therefore, this study examines the impact of fatigue on the final approach phase through a 24-hour flight simulator experiment. [...] Therefore, the experimental setup, methodology, and results can serve as an evidence-based approach for a more concrete definition of fatigue risk management or as a knowledge base for further development of this issue.
February 19th 2022
Instructor Station™ installed on a Boeing 737 simulator
August 13th 2021
Instructor Station™ version 3.54 has been released.
Minimum compatibility Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
Fixes on METAR WXR stations download SSL certificates.
Compatibility adjustments for Prepar3D v5.
Phillips HUE integration update.
Bug fixes.
October 3rd 2020
Instructor Station is fully compatible with PREPAR3D v5 !!!
August 22nd 2020
Microsoft Flight Simulator™ 2020
Compatibility tests are currently under way - stay tuned for updates !!!
August 1st 2020
Price Reduction !!
Take advantage of our new pricing. CLICK HERE
March 20th 2019
Instructor Station™ version 3.52 has been released.
Licensing engine stability improvements.
Bug fixes.
September 1st 2018
Instructor Station™ version 3.51 has been released.
Bug fixes.
January 7th 2018
Instructor Station™ version 3.50 has been released.
Compatibility adjustments for Prepar3D v4.
Bug fixes.
May 27th 2017
Proud Sponsor of FlightSimCon 2017.
December 11th 2016
Instructor Station™ version 3.46 has been released.
Re-organized tabs for quicker, easier, more logical access of functions.
Increased power of airport search under Runway/Gate tab (now by name, city, country, state, province, etc.)
Added option to show Landing Report in FS window 30 seconds after landing (displays for 60 seconds).
Auto-set WXR (METAR) from RUNWAY selection when positioning.
Added Auto-Thrust and Speed to Autopilot controls.
Added aircraft controls for A320 FMGS Jeehell (flaps up/down, arm/disarm ground spoilers, Master Warning/Caution).
Added as source for airport information (button link).
Added IVAO and VATSIM as WXR sources for METAR downloads.
Added Auto Instant Replay capability (for FSX, ESP and Prepar3D).
Added virtual cockpit, 2D cockpit view select buttons on Sim Control tab.
Added Full-Window mode toggle, on Sim Control tab.
Added Auto-Center option on MAP tab.
Added interface to Phillips HUE lighting system (turn lights RED for very hard landing, AMBER for hard landing and GREEN for an excellent one).
Bug fixes.
October 26th 2016
Instructor Station™ FAA approved in BATD
A few days ago, Instructor Station™ was certified as part of an FAA approved Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD), offered by VirtualFly.
Another proof of robustness and high quality, allowing Instructor Station™ to meet and exceed FAA standards.
See further details on link below:
September 4th 2016
Instructor Station version 3.45 has been released.
Added selection of map provider source under settings.
Added "Get & Set" button on ENVIRO/METARs page.
Bug fixes.
September 3rd 2016
Instructor Station version 3.44 has been released.
Added PRE-SET scenarios to the RE-POS tab.
Added buttons for cabin sounds (under NAVCOM, ATC/CABIN).
Minimum required window width reduced to better fit standard resolution sizes.
Moved SCENARIOS from MAIN to RE-POS tab.
METARs can now be pasted from the clipboard, to set WXR as desired.
Added approximate calculation of V SPEEDS for A320 based on gross weight (used for fast MCDU setup in JeeHell FMGS).
Included World Magnetic Model (WMM2015 from NOAA) to calculate magnetic variation (gives better estimate when repositioning far from actual ACFT position).
Bug fixes.
April 23rd 2016
Instructor Station version 3.43 has been released.
Bug fixes & improvements for JeeHell.
March 12th 2016
Instructor Station was at the 2016 FlightSimulation Conference (Berlin), 12-March-2016 (information at the VierImPott exhibitor)
February 14th 2016
Instructor Station version 3.41 has been released.
Added search function for airports (RE-POS --> RUNWAY/GATE)
Included Auto-start sequence and engine start to A320 FMGS JeeHell features.
Bug fixes & improvements.
February 14th 2016
Instructor Station version 3.40 has been released.
Added A320 FMGS JeeHell support (ACFT quick-start, MCDU quick-set, FCU set & Failures).
Recommended sequence to place ACFT quickly on an approach (using FMGS JeeHell, starting from Cold & Dark) is as follows:
ACFT Auto Start-Up
MCDU Quick-Set
Start Engines (manually)
Set ACFT in position.
Set THR levers in CLB position (taking all the way to TOGA first).
Set FCU.
Freeze flight, unpause & stabilize. It is recommended to set the ACFT at a speed of 250 kts, and then gradually reduce speed & add flaps as needed while froze (or you can do this as part of the approach if flown from far enough distance).
Network Computer shutdown and startup made more robust.
Added network status indicator (PCs ON or OFF).
December 22nd 2015
Dutch cockpit "Flying to Help" - simulation fly for a good cause
This is a private initiative fundraiser for a non-profit organization, Mission Aviation Fellowship (Christian missionary aviation), which provides in air connections for more than a thousand other organizations, like Red Cross, Unicef and churchworkers in desolate areas.
"Flying to Help" offers the opportunity to enjoy a half hour flight in a fairly realistic simulation of a bush plane. You will "fly" in a cockpit with full dual controls, something that is rare in the Netherlands.
October 10th 2015
Instructor Station version 3.31 has been released.
Added ILS depiction to new maps under Navaids.
Added navigation buttons to new maps.
Re-organized some menus and functions.
Installer now respects previous files for Navigation database, custom failures, PCList.txt and Start/Stop bat files.
Fixed bug with Windows On-Screen-Keyboard.
Fixed installer bug referencing wrong folder.
Fixed bug with Wt & Balance input units.
Fixed FDR import bug when Google-Earth plugin not available.
September 18th 2015
Instructor Station version 3.30 has been released.
Sequential start of networked PCs
Combination of conditions to trigger failures (speed and/or altitude and/or countdown timer)
Custom failures (10 user-defined failures can be specified in the "customfail.txt" file). Number of custom-defined failures will be increased in subsequent versions
Added map to drag-and-drop ACFT position in REPOSITION tab
Added map to follow ACFT position and display fixes, navaids, etc. in RECORDER tab
Added display of Approach plots to RECORDER tab
Saved Scenarios now include saving preset failures. Training scenarios can be easily saved and loaded as required (engine out on take-off, etc.)
Now possible to set Season
Added Airbus/Boeing Project Magenta APU Fire failure.
Added Airbus Project Magenta failures (AC BUS 1/2 Fault, Hot/Hung Start, High Oil Temp, Cabin Pressure Fault, IAS/Pitot Fail).
Added remote shutdown of PCs
(nv = "no voice", higher compatibility)
Upgrade is FREE for existing 2.X users.
A 9 Eur fee will apply to renew license each year afterwards.
August 10th 2015
Instructor Station version 3.23 has been released.
July 18th 2015
Instructor Station version 3.22 has been released.
July 3rd 2015
Instructor Station version 3.20 has been released.
May 1st 2015
Instructor Station Remote for iPad / iPhone, coming soon!
Control iStation and your Flight Simulator from your mobile device!
The iStation Remote app allows remote control of basic functions on Microsoft® Flight Simulator (FS) 2004™, FSX™ and ESP™, Lockheed Martin Prepar3D® and X-Plane®.
***This app is to be used in conjunction with the Instructor Station program (© Luis Gordo). It will not work on its own.***
The device needs to be on the same network as the computer running Instructor Station.
April 10th 2015
Instructor Station version 3.14 has been released.
(nv = "no voice", higher compatibility)
Upgrade is FREE for existing 2.X users.
A 9 Eur fee will apply to renew license each year afterwards.
April 9th 2015
Instructor Station 7th anniversary is approaching !!
Enjoy discounted price on the FDR Mobile app ($0.99):
January 17th 2015
Instructor Station version 3.13 has been released.
October 5th 2014
Look for our product throughout the event...
October 5th 2014
July 16th 2014
May 1st 2014
Major upgrade for INSTRUCTOR STATION (version 3) is under way !!
New features:
Redesigned user interface – easier to use and more consistent
Real-time downloadable WXR (METARs) with world-wide coverage
Speak-to-ME TAR engine – brings spoken ATIS/AWOS to your simulator, when tuning appropriate COM frequency
Expanded WXR engine – up to 3 layers of clouds, for highly-realistic approaches
Time and date selector
Links to airport information for selected airport on position tab – &
Use of standardized time stamp for iStation and FDR Mobile recordings
Improved FDR Mobile import engine:
Visualize recorded track on import screen
Retrieval of ground altitudes via Google Earth integrated plugin
Flight Phase Generator, allowing:
Analysis (plots, reports) of specific sections of a flight
More user settings (i.e. automatically turn on WXR engine on iStation start, etc.)
More custom values can be saved from session to session (weight & balance, etc.)
Stay tuned for more news coming soon!
November 25th 2013
The FLIGHT DATA RECORDER app for iPhone / iPad is available on
the App Store !!!
Requires iOS 6.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone and iPad. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Ever wanted to easily record a flight and share with friends, including cockpit audio?
Ever left wanting to hear an ATC transmission again?
Finally an affordable Flight Data and Digital ATC Recorder at your grasp!
The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) app can be used to track flights / trips in real life with an iPhone or iPad, and analyze performance afterwards on your computer.
The data generated by FDR can be imported into the Instructor Station program, and Google Earth 3D files (kml) can be exported, data plotted, PDF reports generated, etc.
The Instructor Station will playback any portion of your flight in Google Earth, with simultaneous audio feed, to provide the ULTIMATE flight re-living experience!
February 4th 2014
INSTRUCTOR STATION version 2.13 is available NOW !!
If you are experiencing issues during startup, please download an alternate version HERE.
Included flag to show when XPUIPC is connected (connection to X-Plane)
Modified aircraft repositioning coding in FSX and X-Plane for increased reliability
Added IFR Fixes and Intersections to the NavCom database – Aircraft can now be placed on an intersection, or at any distance from/to an intersection on any given direction.
Added Airport Names to Runway/Gates and Runway Reference windows.
Bug fixes.
November 30th 2013
INSTRUCTOR STATION version 2.12 is available NOW !!
Engine to import data from the Flight Data Recorder iPhone/iPad APP
Simultaneous recorded audio playback on Performance tab, for the ULTIMATE flight re-living experience!
Extended maximum logging time to 10 hours.
Added IFR and Low IFR preset weather conditions (Environment tab)
November 9th 2013
Pictures of the Instructor Station from one of our customers on their motion
B-757 simulator.
- Thanks Michael !
July 25th 2013
Pictures of the Instructor Station from one of our customers
- Thanks Philip !
January 10th 2013
New pictures of the Instructor Station in action from one of our commercial
customers ( - Thanks Roel !
November 5th 2012
Note that this version requires an upgraded license from all 1.X versions.
Existing customers can upgrade their license here.
See screenshots here.
Download here or here if your system is not compatible with Microsoft's
voice recognition software (Windows XP and lower).
New Features:
Meets all FAA requirements for approval in Advanced and Basic Aviation Training Devices, per FAA Advisory Circular AC 61-136.
ForeFlight Mobile integration.
Added Bluetooth functionality for GPS data export (allows using your favourite navigation apps on your mobile device.
Added Low and High Altitude Airways export and view in Google Earth.
Added cross-wind component and lateral displacement tracking at touchdown, to assess crosswind landings performance.
Added ‘General Aviation Look’ option to the Miscellaneous settings in the General tab, to better suit the needs of various users.
Added Engine #1 and #2 RPM and manifold pressures to the data logger, as well as to PDF report.
Added ATC communications window (synthetic voice and text). ATC communications are sent to the event window when data is logged.
Added playback capability (aircraft can be placed at any moment of the recorded data).
Added ILS and VOR monitoring to “tracker window”, including selected course and DME.
Added slip/skid and turn rate indicator to “tracker window”.
Added the TRAFFIC tab, where all airborne and/or ground traffic can be monitored, and traffic alerts (TCAS) can be generated.
Added VFR and MVFR preset weather conditions in the Environment tab.
Improved settings for VFR, Marginal VFR (MVFR) and ILS CAT I thru IIIc in the Environment tab.
Added more options to the visibility setting in the Environment tab.
Added preset selectable transponder codes to the NAVCOM tab.
Added LBS and GAL option to the Fuel/Load tab.
Added payload stations and weight and balance calculations to Fuel/Load tab.
Renamed Views/Slew tab to SimControl, added Sound on/off and Situation Reset buttons, as well as basic throttle, mixture, propeller and flap controls.
Added Voice Control (beta).
Corrected several bugs.
Changes to fonts and colors.
October 4th 2012
ForeFlight Mobile Charts will be Supported in the next Instructor Station version (hopefully coming out soon!). All tests have been carried out, and the feature is 100% working!
The new version of the Instructor Station (yet to be released) supports ForeFlight.
ForeFlight Mobile is the critically acclaimed flight planning and in flight support app for pilots. Discover the joy of a lighter flight bag and increased situational awareness.
ForeFlight provides “beautiful, full-screen weather maps; complete airport data; plates; TFRs and AIR/SIGMETs; moving map with VFR/IFR charts and data-driven maps; and much more make ForeFlight Mobile your permanent Second-in-Command.”
This is a tool (primarily for use by pilots in the real world) for getting moving maps, weather updates, and more while in the cockpit. Now, you can connect this tool to your simulator of choice (FSX, FS9, Prepar3D, ESP or XPlane) via the Instructor Station for training! (at a lot less cost than using other options available in the market!).
September 17th 2012
Some of the customer pictures recently received:
June 9th 2012
You can download US Sectional Charts, Terminal Area Charts, World Area Charts, Enroute Low Charts, Area Charts and Enroute High Charts for use in Google Earth with the Instructor Station here:
US FAA Charts @
Also available is a KML file for direct download to Google Earth with internet aceess:
US FAA Charts (KML file) @
May 1st 2012
New features being added:
- ATC communications (text-to-speech) and text to FS window.
- Glideslope, Localizer, DME and CRS indications on PFD (tracker window).
- Playback mode
- Several bugs addressed
And more...
September 10th 2011
Version 1.60 has been released! - New features:
Aircraft positioning at airport gates.
"On ground" functionality added to 'Position' tab (this sets the parking brakes and enables the 'Freeze' mode when positioning aircraft on ground).
Flight events (i.e. gear up/down, flaps position, etc.) are now plotted in Google Earth in real time!
Aircraft altitude and speed (IAS) are now shown in Google Earth in real time!
Extended maximum data logging time to over 3 hrs.
Increased robustness (several bugs fixed).
'NAVCOM' tab added, with navaid database (frequencies and positions). Enables aircraft to be positioned at a certain navaid (VOR, NBD, etc.). Transferrs ILS of the selected runway/navaid to NAV1, etc.
April 20th 2011
New features being added to the next version:
Aircraft positioning at airport gates.
"On ground" functionality added to 'Position' tab (this sets the parking brakes and enables the 'Freeze' mode when positioning aircraft on ground).
Flight events (i.e. gear up/down, flaps position, etc.) are now plotted in Google Earth in real time!
Aircraft altitude and speed (IAS) are now shown in Google Earth in real time!
Extended maximum data logging time to over 3 hrs.
Increased robustness (several bugs fixed).
'NAVCOM' tab being added, with navaid database (frequencies and positions). Enables aircraft to be positioned at a certain navaid (VOR, NBD, etc.). Transferrs ILS of the selected runway/navaid to NAV1, etc.
December 29th 2010
New version underway, adding aircraft positioning at airport gates! Stay tuned!
November 20th 2010
Enhance your iStation experience by using these
Google Earth Aeronautical Charts Overlays (U.S. only). Click on these links and open the KML files:
US Sectional Charts:
US Low Altitud Enroute Charts:
November 13th 2010
New version available (1.51) ! New features:
Flight Freeze button: puts the aircraft in a frozen flight mode - the aircraft will not change its position, but will fly. This allows to stabilize the aircraft in the selected position, before an approach.
Tracker Window has been improved, several bugs fixed.
Environment "reset WXR input" function added.
More events are logged in the message window (Performance tab): gear up/down, flaps position, spoilers position/armed, etc. All these events will now be extracted to Google Earth (kml file) and shown graphically.
Check our new video:
November 4th 2010
You can now use the Instructor Station comfortably from your Apple iPad. See the video below for demonstration! Thanks to Matt Riggins for sharing.
Pictures of the Instructor Station in action at the Aviosim 737 Simulator in the Aviodrome at Lelystad airport, Holland:
June 17th 2010
New version underway ..... Stay tuned!!
December 6th 2009
VERSION 1.50 IS NOW AVAILABLE !!! Download it by cliking the link on the right hand side of the page.
New features:
Repositions relative to FS runways.
"Tracker Window" showing artificial horizon, heading/winds rose, and many more variables graphically to enhance Instructor awareness.
Real-Time tracking of flight in 3D via Google Earth KML files !!
Aircraft Simulation Technology (AST) Airbus Compatibility (not yet complete).
N2, Stall speeds (clean & flaps full) and G-Force variables included.
PDF Approach Report updated to include new variables.
Aircraft Stall warning included.
Improved failures, adding new possiblities, as well as triggering failures when going above or below certain speeds or altitudes.
On-Screen Keyboard (for touch screen setups).
Ability to set TSR Runway Conditions.
And more...
November 26th 2009
Version 1.50 will be available shortly !!!
November 5th 2009
Due to the increased amount of inquiries we are receiving, we are posting the current status on the next version. Development has taken longer than expected due to some technical and software-related problems mainly. Nevertheless, we plan to release the next version before the end of the year.
August 13th 2009
The release of the new version of the Instructor Station should not take long now... New features being implemented:
Repositions relative to FS runways (see screenshot below).
"Tracker Window" showing artificial horizon, heading/winds rose, and many more variables graphically to enhance Instructor awareness.
Real-Time tracking of flight in 3D via Google Earth KML files !!
Aircraft Simulation Technology (AST) Airbus Compatibility !!
N2, Stall speeds (clean & flaps full) and G-Force variables included.
PDF Approach Report updated to include new variables.
Aircraft Stall warning included.
Improved failures, adding new possiblities, as well as triggering failures when going above or below certain speeds or altitudes.
On-Screen Keyboard (for touch screen setups).
Ability to set TSR Runway Conditions.
And more...
April 19th 2009
Ongoing development... stay tuned !!
March 28th 2009
Version 1.30 is available! Price increase is scheduled to take place soon, so go ahead and purchase your copy now! These are new features included:
Real-Time data plots.
Export data to Google Earth: Track your aircraft's flight path in Google Earth's 3-D environment (see image below). The exported KML file can be used for display in Google Earth, Maps and Mobile, or any other 3D earth browser (geobrowser) implementing the KML encoding (click here for a list of applications using KML).
Enhanced professional look, including colors for eye-relaxing view in reduced-light ambients (cockpit instructor stations).
25th January 2009
We have relocated our operations to Houston, Texas (USA). Also, due to some technical problems, development has been slowed down. Anyhow, you can expect more updates to the Instructor Station throughout this year. Customer support has not been dropped down anytime throughout all this period. STAY TUNED FOR FUTURE UPDATES!!
26th October 2008
Version 1.25 is available!! These are the new features included:
ICAO Runway database, so positioning from FS is not necessary any more.
Dawn, Day, Dusk & Night setting corrected.
Slew Mode implementation.
Minor bugs fixed.
14th October 2008
We are always working to improve our product! New features in the pipeline are:
Runway database to be included, so positioning from FS is not necessary.
Dawn, Dusk setting corrected.
Slew Mode implementation.
"Engine on fire" indication from "Failures" tab.
TCAS alerts
And more...
Stay tuned !!
29th September 2008
Minor bug fixed: Version 1.21 released. Please download it HERE.
23rd September 2008
Version 1.20 is AVAILABLE !! ...and it brings the implementation of the Boeing 737 features !!!!
New features included:
737 Project Magenta Quick Start-up.
737 Project Magenta MCP quick-set.
737 Project Magenta pmSystems failures.
737 Fuel Planner.
Trim set to Zero at touchdown has been improved.
Weather settings corresponding to different ILS approach categories (CAT I, CAT II, etc.) per ICAO Standards.
4th September 2008
Version 1.20 launch is coming soon and it brings the implementation of the Boeing 737 features !!!!
New features included:
737 Project Magenta Quick Start-up.
737 Project Magenta MCP quick-set.
737 Project Magenta pmSystems failures.
737 Fuel Planner.
Trim set to Zero at touchdown has been improved.
Weather settings corresponding to different ILS approach categories (CAT I, CAT II, etc.) per ICAO Standards.
24th August 2008
Version 1.10 is available !!
This version brings Enhanced FSX Compatibility. Aside, several new features are included:
Aircraft position (coordinates and distance to RWY) is logged and can be plotted.
Option to start logging automatically when descending below 3,500 ft.
Added PLOT against distance to RWY.
Added Approach Profile PLOTS.
Situation LOAD/SAVE added. Share your preferred and most challenging approaches with fellow pilots !
PDF reports of approaches can be generated.
Several bugs fixed.
Coming next is the implementation of the 737 features !!
22nd July 2008
Version 1.10 will soon be available !!
This version brings Enhanced FSX Compatibility. Aside, several new features will be included:
Aircraft position (coordinates and distance to RWY) is logged and can be plotted.
Option to start logging automatically when descending below 3,500 ft.
Added PLOT against distance to RWY.
Added Approach Profile PLOTS.
Situation LOAD/SAVE added. Share your preferred and most challenging approaches with fellow pilots !
Amongst others... Stay tuned !!
13th July 2008
Tests have been carried out in FSX, with the following preliminary conclusions:
1. The vast majority of features are FULLY COMPATIBLE with FSX !
2. Environment settings: The weather can be successfully set in Local WXR stations, not globally, with minor adjustments needed.
3. The aircraft speed is set differently in FSX than it was in FS9 (position Tab), so in the following update this will be included.
Please test yourself using the demo!
These features will also be included in the next version:
1. Graphic Plot of variables againts distance to runway.
2. Graphic Plot of vertical and horizontal profiles of approaches to runway.
29th June 2008
Release version (1.00) is ready !!!
Download Program.
Download Manual.
22nd June 2008
At this point the release version of the Instructor Station is about 1-2 weeks away. About 99% of the programming is done for this first version. A demo version will be available for you to try the software prior to pruchase. The program manual will also be available shortly for download! Please visit the screenshots section latest pics!
10th June 2008
At this point the release version of the Instructor Station is about 2-3 weeks away. About 90% of the programming is done. There is still some work ahead on the "Fuel/Load" and the "Failures" areas.
99% of all features of the Instructor Station are compatible with ALL aircraft !! The first release version will be fully compatible with A319/A320/A321 Project Magenta and FS2004 users (many features may also work on FS2002 and FSX, though these are not supported yet). Next, development on the 737 and A330/A340 will follow.
I will post more screenshots soon, to show development. Stay tuned !!